Raymond Farr


She Arrived Produced a Birdcage an Object*
arrived bustle with produced art
out of garbage parties objects with taillights
wearing bustle taillights art objects
at parties birdcage with produced
parties bustle taillights art objects
birdcage out of garbage bustle objects
village out of poems wearing a bustle a birdcage with taillights
petty crimes
menial jobs
arrived at parties
out of poems&images she found in
wearing a birdcage a bustle
with taillights
the author of texts of baroness with taillights abused
as child
bizarre as her outfits a bustle
a principle referred to as
returned to europe modeling a birdcage a bustle
djuna a taillight an image
an object
an object
who soon left
when someone a lover a bustle a taillight wearing a birdcage
snuck into her room
the remainder of her lifetime snuck into her room

is over) a village out of poems
turned on the gas
when someone a lover
snuck out of poems
a lover) & snuck into her room
& on the gas snuck into her room (it is suggested
(a lover (abirdcage

died in paris (it is suggested a lover
a bustle out of garbage parties with taillights
when someone an object bustles
a birdcage
a lover with taillights
chanced objects chanced her way out of garbage
snuck into her room
out of garbage
turned on the gas
a woman living by
the author of texts wearing a taillight
a bustle of non-acquiescence
the principle of
bizarre as her outfits

*Else von Freytag-Loringhover (1874-1927) Leading Dadaist figure
Born on Polish-German border under a different, less regal name, the abused child
of a stonemason
Arrived in the US in 1909 after having lived a life filled with name changes,
job changes, husbands, and lovers
Assumed her title of baroness through marriage to a man who soon left her
Lived in Greenwhich Village, New York working menial jobs, modeling for artists,
and committing petty crimes
Arrived at parties wearing a birdcage or a bustle with a taillights
Produced art objects out of garbage
Improvised poems out of words and images that chanced her way
Returned to Europe and became involved during this time in a bisexual affair
with novelist Djuna Barnes, and she idolized Barnes for the remainder of her lifetime
Died in Paris when someone (it is suggested that it was a previous lover)
snuck into her room and turned on the gas
Referred to in Pound’s Cantos as a woman living by
"the principle of non-acquiescence"
Mary Anne Caws describes her as
"the author of texts as bizarre as her outfits"
11-24-2007 / from Google News

.............................................................End of the High Street hunter-gatherer
Sites / jabs.......................off-topic; Arsenal reasoning pg. 31 according to
.............................................................Little Rachel
.............................................................The Secret History of (the unflinching of)
..........................................the.............New American Writing along visible terra
.........................................Manifests language
Loaded via...........................................recall
.............................................................50 mins ago / to recall
.............................................................When download completes
.............................................................Baby loses head
.............................................................Bunyan not a suspect or a defeat / defect
.............................................................at the hands of
The Goths
A nightingale sings
.............................................................Come August amateurs unravel
.............................................................grape vines of AIDS
.............................................................Last / Lost Russian Royal mystery novel
/ or fête
This may take
Several £s to yr
Grave side
Or minutes.........................................To occur
...............................................................A topic under fire { `"
Women & Money
Today on Oprah
Bridges arch catalytically across dipsomaniacs looking at weight loss
..................................Ago (NY post tsunami 9-11
Biting crank shaft after poems on the arse
Insinuates taking leave
Shogun sprouts poems of good earth
Headed south into glades
Muddled Wall Street ventures pop corn gunning for Bear
wallets plasticized
The atolls worming / radioactive
.................................................................In ritzy Malibu
.................................................................Wait for device setup to finish
.................................................................A crane on a hill stifles bondage
.................................................................Au (c )raven boyhood
.................................................................Owen let the skillet hit its target, the fence
....................................Went: Tttwannggaanngggaannngggaannggg
....................................The flat left the flat
Accidentally yours
Speak Ojibwa Living Well Loving Much Laughing Often
........................................................A scan powered by a shot
........................................................Off center &…
Primary Ex- (Posit, Glory) at Intervals
4:20 PM:

Primary defining
Eventual position taken haphazard dusk on e-file

Health machine hatchet job
Doses nuts smashed by fur tongs

Balloon flats buzz in art box
Quell mania for M&Ms

Quote noun & about unquote the ploys’ adventure

Express rhapsody salinity a factor on binge of technique
Though more often glamour

4:29 PM:

Bring the loop closer
Make fire beneath
Ocean waters look up manufactured
By eye

Havens of discourse sour pile drivers’ dough
Quote dsound unquote
Travel the globe as Gillette Mach III

Pages articulate a poem is a dude
Looking up
In glory

Particulars approach
Quote ation speech unquote unstable mite

1:29 AM:

I bring you Lucifer
Why do you farm in costumes that’re evidence / magic of the ovoid plains?
Assisted living is a dream labeled Leda

Inbox is full

Insert / type: crutch assembly
No distance or smile

2:38 AM:

True / false
Is it faker (a fraud? I bring you
ATT.NET a tale of
Valleys of Richard (the Ganges
Grinds bones
Inverse to ditches

Pub-stiffener wails songs of the rod banger
Quote must "goat" unquote
Plastic rhymes w/out skin
Each task a place spanning Geo-
Detours events
Riddles of idylls seamed with alive

5:32 AM:

Weird light asks sexual favors = At the face of the man pinning his dreams
On air
Quote rit dans la ru unquote puns with density per sq. in.
Loose as it stands

A road there
Expects gore
Humping ash

5: 46 AM:

Turn rhino at bunker
The BLUE HAWAIIN seduces potter’s wheel ha’penny odd
Absurd guest towels affect discovery

Strike first
Offer ends at midnight

5:58 AM:

Observe kids over hedge wasping
A forge out of demos’ delirious modalities

Cited voyeur remixes strands colored absolute
A grange of habits
Quote jfois on lui éc unquote

Apply in reverse:
Subatomic features
Numbered lines

7:43 PM:

Crashes likely
Beneath sky of orange
Sulfur winds renovate sounds of Pater on badinage
A trout oblong w/ grace: I feel
Quote ration, is fau unquote believing in Gone

Direct TV spans horizons
I taste like an apple


Cyber-nautical tongue
On then off

A fern of alabaster

A fern flooded by lightning bugs
Or due to
Enact rings

10:29 PM:

A purple discourse cringes at foot of boot hill knocking on doors
Circa ‘60 or ‘61
En route more solid than bene(violent

Strapped to the car
Comic stands up to stand aside

Dear john, infinite are wards tumbling down

Wards après le

9: 41 AM:

Dry words hold sway
The maple strides autumn bleary out of key board
Juicy proclivity wishes sconce

Performs lens
Quote das gerücht für un unquote semblable

Scarab of walkie talkie boys