Raymond Farr

A Hex Post / Modern

I care about.

I want to possess it. Is syntactical position.

From which I observe. Excruciating blackened forms of.

...................Blocks of time frustratedmeaningof.

Under siege.

Unbearable apprehensive

auto-bloggers scope out dice of.

Tabula rasa effecting sun watchers.

Buried gnarl.

Flaunts posits.

Escape gourd’s.

Abundant motor appellations (g)one beached.

... .........................Wind diamonds.

.............Of dust.............&g-nome.

.................................Suffer to contain....A batting’s.

Edge. So-called.

Sign in.....At sudden withdrawal.

If you think irk is your brother.

Your dead ass. Is code.

Your dead-ness is for(aging).

Among hives.

Nesting in the tune of.

A sinker’s.

A lot. Empty. On fire.

As leaping past fox holes paces the ice men.

A taxi stands out. Opines on roof tops.

Raining on monoliths.

On the other hand.

Oppen’s not puce.

Alters the worm mire. Devastation. Unfinished name of atom.

Fifth in eventual snow flakes of.

Glowing thru darkness.

Lurks a sixth cycle.

Capped like a well.

Orwellian piano cured of its feet. Moves volumes.


By measure. The olde gang clap-traps old muerte (in Death of a Logos.)

Unburdened by.

As will.

As will.

The prayer of godless.


Toting Günter Grass off on a whim. Innuendo soft as it is.

Bends flocking to.


By a lake. A focus.

Foe. To.



Saw bucks.




A link among.


Be ghoul in a vestment.

Opposed to.

A day.

(That night of.)

Dunkin Donuts abridged.




Dong-Laos. Come nearer.

Dong-Cambodia. Watching steam lift at the incept.

Opposite f carpets.

Margin of (Un)natural odors.

(All talk.)

& no (lam)pray.



Not an ape.

All songs of all mourning.

A dream.

All songs.

Manufactured. Like car.

Or doll.

Abuse the syndrome.

The last one to leave must shake out the dust from the margins of oratorio.

I believe. In the black seed of time.

I believe. A jug’s worth of pissing river.

Trout Mecca to dada.

The index surreal.

Invests contexts no more.

Plausible than corpses. Taking hits for pool hustler-god.

A rose garden beaming. Structured by trellis.

Penetrates trollops. Faking dominos.

Look out, mister.

You’ve a spasm below you.

Your sheen is a glare.

I’m cutting you off.

A red streak.

A blue streak. Hang tough round your id.

You’ve lost all their meaning.

Cut to.

Plaza or mall.

The gravy boat of.

A wave. In the distance. Curls backwards.

Thru copses.

A turmoil in white.

& white meaning blanched.

Strident ending. In the face of.

A dumpster.

Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, FL. His work appears most recently in Otoliths, The Argotist, Cricket On Line, Moria, EOAGH, Letterbox, BlazeVox2k, & ditch. Several of his poems were included in the First Sidebrow Anthology. Recently he guest edited issue 6 of Pinstripe Fedora. Visit mjonesrview.blogspot.com for email info and more samples of his work.