Álvaro Valera

Hermes 1916
By the avenue of hot stone
Comes a wild boy
With those winged sandals and
A latent bloom in his sex

Above our heads
Plunging through the night
People in a hurry
Stop to shout for pleasure
After seeing those flames
Falling like silk curds

And the moon that emits green light today
Dripping by each nose
By each stained sleeve
Sings like abandoning us

* * * * * * * * * * *

Por el paseo de piedra caliente
Se acerca un chico salvaje
Con esas sandalias aladas y
Una flor latente en su sexo

Sobre nuestras cabezas
Fuegos artificiales
Que se precipitan por la noche
La gente apresurada
Se detiene para gritar de placer
Al ver esas llamas
Cayendo como grumos de seda

Y la luna que hoy emite luz verde
Goteando por cada nariz
Por cada manga manchada
Canta como abandonándonos

An Only Tadzio
His tongue- got out of mouth, spreading its meat-
Then the doctor who was a little weak man said:
What did you think the torture was they talked you abut when you visited the museum?
Something organic made a lemon squeeze on the head of an asparagus- and disinfectant- children that surprised, ask:
This is for what- not to leave the infection suck the rest of wound up?-
They're knife wounds- there is hardly robot in the world- except that love i found- hardly robot who could cure them-
A piece of wall collapses-
There appears a stainless steel monster coated with Polish faced velvet-
Tadzio eats seeds throws husks into pocket-
Steel and peel like grapevine or grape peel ink-

All the insects hid into the wall of the underground- and his head that drawn on the shattered tiles- his head seemed a rocket at take off- and the herbs which frightened him-
I get off and see him- it's a lad on his forehead swim two fishes very similar- the eyes sparkled brown like dark honey- it's been made a beam just for him, on the Earth, while i watch him from a glass-
Vast poems and- vast like millions of footprints by the shore of the ocean and-

Tadzio he's named- as that one of Death in Venice and however he seems not so-
I mean his calves blue of cold don't let see the long face and like a rocket up to the sky-
Tram- boys travel inside with man of large grey framed spectacles- some revolting moustaches-
There is a T-shirt in woman broken body in front of me- some birds that populate universe- ravens-
They can peck his brains in a- but here it comes the scientific and explains:
Permanganate tincture isn't enough- we will have to make the mixture ourselves-
His wife besieges with her creatures the wounded skull- she enters with bronze weapons- old Egyptian flame throwers- the wagon becomes narrower- and its aluminium structure-
Move out dirty you- i will drown any bacterium-
Nevertheless superficial layers of skin are highly radioactive- the probability of catch a testicle cancer is high compared to the experiment on economic base of last exercise- if two homo sapiens sapiens sit parallel decide to hold their hands out- then rubbish collection needn't be- timetable is restricted for waste of bacteriological sort- that is, polyp tongue-

Under your armpit
Imagine: we both lying down exhausted
A huge blue desert at our feet
And the grass of an oasis of lads
Caressing your armpit that opens, like a mouth
While my lips water
And on them wave so many things

You talk me about our trip
Which we have to continue
Tomorrow we will be thrown out from here
We've eaten juicy fruit
And stared at the storm that
Used to come to admire you

We will go to that mountain
Which seems a sleeping boy
Leant on his side
And from whose pit emerges a brook
That slides down to the elbow

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Imagina: los dos tumbados exhaustos
Un enorme desierto azul a nuestros pies
Y la hierba de un oasis de muchachos
Acariciando tu sobaco que se abre, como una boca
Mientras mis labios se hacen agua
Y en ellos ondean tantas cosas

Tú me hablas de nuestro viaje
Que debemos continuar
Mañana nos echarán de aquí
Hemos comido fruta jugosa
Y contemplado la tormenta que
Venía a admirarte

Iremos a esa montaña
Que parece un joven durmiendo
Apoyado de costado
Y de cuya axila emerge un arroyo
Que se desliza hasta el codo